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Industry News
May 2, 2016

Chameleon announces new communication board agreement with Yankee Alliance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 02, 2016; Andover, MA., – Yankee Alliance announces a three year contract with Chameleon Corporation, the inventors of the world’s first Interchangeable Whiteboard.

In today’s environment, patient satisfaction and improvements to the patient and family experience have become critical components in the delivery of care throughout the US.   Chameleon has partnered with Yankee Alliance to provide its 12,800 members with a unique, yet simple, solution to:

•             Individualize patient care

•             Improve the overall patient and family experience

•             Increase patient satisfaction scores, particularly “overall rating” and “likelihood to recommend”

•             Improve CAHPS scores (HCAHPS, HHCAHPS, CGCAHPS, ICHCAHPS, etc.)

•             Protect against value-based purchasing, pay-for-performance and other Governmental and regulatory initiatives

•             Eliminate the high cost of replacing boards

•             Save nursing and staff time, improve productivity and implement facility wide   consistency

•             Transform whiteboards into a collaborative communication tool

“We are always looking for ways to improve clinical, operational, and financial effectiveness in our member facilities and we are excited to bring this affordable, high quality contract from Chameleon to our members,” said Sarah Biedenkapp, Contracting Manager at Yankee Alliance.


About Chameleon Corporation

Communicate. Better.

Chameleon Corporation, of Franklin, TN is passionate about communication and doing it better. Their mantra: We design solutions, not products. Whiteboarding is a very strong component to helping improve the perception of communication for healthcare patients, family and care givers.

They learn about clients / potential client’s patient satisfaction challenges and what they are currently doing in terms of whiteboarding to complement their patient and family experience initiatives. From this, they develop a custom made Whiteboard to:

•             Help you improve the patient and family experience

•             Individualize Patient Care

•             Improve your Patient Satisfaction scores

For more information visit


About Yankee Alliance

Yankee Alliance is a member-driven healthcare group purchasing organization founded in 1984 on a belief in collaboration, that working together can achieve more than working alone. Our mission is twofold: to work with members to reduce supply and operating expenses through aggregation of data, purchasing, ideas and knowledge and to excel in strategic innovations that continually assist members in reducing their cost while recognizing their individual needs. Today, Yankee Alliance remains true to the foundational belief in collaboration and has grown to over 12,800 members in all classes of trades across all 50 states. For more information visit

For more information please contact; Amy Campbell, Senior Vice President, Administration, Yankee Alliance, (978) 470-2000 or at

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 02, 2016; Andover, MA., – Yankee Alliance announces a three year contract with Chameleon Corporation, the inventors of the world’s first Interchangeable Whiteboard.

In today’s environment, patient satisfaction and improvements to the patient and family experience have become critical components in the delivery of care throughout the US.   Chameleon has partnered with Yankee Alliance to provide its 12,800 members with a unique, yet simple, solution to:

•             Individualize patient care

•             Improve the overall patient and family experience

•             Increase patient satisfaction scores, particularly “overall rating” and “likelihood to recommend”

•             Improve CAHPS scores (HCAHPS, HHCAHPS, CGCAHPS, ICHCAHPS, etc.)

•             Protect against value-based purchasing, pay-for-performance and other Governmental and regulatory initiatives

•             Eliminate the high cost of replacing boards

•             Save nursing and staff time, improve productivity and implement facility wide   consistency

•             Transform whiteboards into a collaborative communication tool

“We are always looking for ways to improve clinical, operational, and financial effectiveness in our member facilities and we are excited to bring this affordable, high quality contract from Chameleon to our members,” said Sarah Biedenkapp, Contracting Manager at Yankee Alliance.


About Chameleon Corporation

Communicate. Better.

Chameleon Corporation, of Franklin, TN is passionate about communication and doing it better. Their mantra: We design solutions, not products. Whiteboarding is a very strong component to helping improve the perception of communication for healthcare patients, family and care givers.

They learn about clients / potential client’s patient satisfaction challenges and what they are currently doing in terms of whiteboarding to complement their patient and family experience initiatives. From this, they develop a custom made Whiteboard to:

•             Help you improve the patient and family experience

•             Individualize Patient Care

•             Improve your Patient Satisfaction scores

For more information visit


About Yankee Alliance

Yankee Alliance is a member-driven healthcare group purchasing organization founded in 1984 on a belief in collaboration, that working together can achieve more than working alone. Our mission is twofold: to work with members to reduce supply and operating expenses through aggregation of data, purchasing, ideas and knowledge and to excel in strategic innovations that continually assist members in reducing their cost while recognizing their individual needs. Today, Yankee Alliance remains true to the foundational belief in collaboration and has grown to over 12,800 members in all classes of trades across all 50 states. For more information visit

For more information please contact; Amy Campbell, Senior Vice President, Administration, Yankee Alliance, (978) 470-2000 or at

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